What's this about?
Since there’s been a lot going on lately and unknown changes to our scheduled-weekly fellowships, I figure it’s a great time to launch some daily devos for our fellowship! Fear is often magnified and appear much scarier than reality, and in these times of anxiety, turning to God’s Word will remind you of some BIG TRUTHS to face your everyday.
The following short devotionals are synced up with our weekly Friday Middle School Peace Jr. Fellowship themes thus far for the Spring. It’s a great way to revisit what we’ve been learning and maybe even some deeper digging on your own! Journal along some of your answers to the questions in the post, your prayers, and even some questions you might have.
So far, we’ve gone over Enneagram Types 1-5:
Type 1 // The Perfectionist: Paul
Type 2 // The Helper: Mary (Mother of Jesus)
Type 3 // Performer or Achiever: Moses
Type 4 // The Romantic or Individualist: King David
Type 5 // The Investigator or The Thinker: Luke
Steer clear of your fears! We’ll be posting daily devos in the following posts & on our instagram page @lchspeacejr!