Deadline: January 15, 2017
Please fill out the below supplemental application if you are interested in the Team Facilitator Position. This application is required in addition to the General Staff Application (available 1/15) that all staff must fill out.
We are always excited to develop and raise up leaders who have an ardent desire to serve children and families with Jesus as the Head of their hearts and lives. Please consider and look through the application carefully before submission as this position is not suitable for everyone, but highly encouraged for those who would like to grow in leadership and participate in what God is doing.
Due to evaluations of ambiguous connotations associated with the previous title of “CORE” staff, it has been decided to retire that position for the time being. That being said, however, we have strengthened existing growth mindsets in our evaluation and leadership lessons as we processed (and will continue to process) what it means to serve as a local or overseas servant leader with God’s mission in mind, heart, and being.
That is how we developed the new position of Team Facilitator for Summer Day Camp & Young Leadership Camp 2017.
**Note: This application may take longer than 30 minutes to fill out depending on the individual. Please do not rush through this process.
“The emergence of a leader is a life-time process in which God both sovereignly and providentially is active in the spiritual formation, ministerial formation, and strategic formation of a leader. All of life is used by God to develop the capacity of a leader to influence.””