Our mission is to cultivate meaningful experiences for God’s people to be rooted and grow.


We recognize the growing need for youth & families to have safe and in-person human interaction as our community opens up again. Our summer ministry continues to engage youth and families to discover the gift of Jesus’ love and grace through creating various impactful experiences. Some of these experiences include building friendship through small group time, fun and creative activities, alongside mentorship, and family-friendly events. 


Camp Details and Cost

Who: Fall 2022 entering K - 6th

When: July 5th — July 29th (4 weeks)

** Enrollment acceptance will prioritize campers who are attending full-time

** Independence Day will be observed on Monday, 7/4

HOURS: Monday — Friday | 9:30 AM — 4:00 PM

WHERE: 2400 Noriega St. & 31st Ave, San Francisco, CA

**All SDC campers will need to receive a negative test 72 hours before the first day of camp.



Monumental VBS is all about celebrating God’s greatness! Campers will explore the vastness of God’s power and the depth of his love for each of them. We’ll be growing together through epic Bible adventures, games, memorable music, high-fives, and sciency-fun “wows.” But more than simply entertaining kids, we have a powerful purpose at the heart of every Kids Disciple Group (KDG): Helping kids experience Jesus’ love. Our Weekly SDC Bible Points are carefully integrated into each KDG for unforgettable Bible learning. Help reinforce these weekly Bible Points by asking your child what they learn each day!




Math Excel will take place in the morning on A schedules.


Kids Disciple Groups will take place in the morning on B schedules.


C schedules will be our full-day outings with private charter buses as our main source of transportation to and from the C-schedule destinations. These excursions may take place further away from our main campus and will be shared with parents at our SDC Family Welcome Event.


Health and Safety

During YLC 2022, we will be providing weekly onsite testing for all staff and campers. The testing dates will be emailed to parents ahead of time and sign-ups will be required. Test results will be emailed to the registered email and also shared with LCHS SDC.

We encourage everyone to be fully vaccinated as vaccines are now eligible for youth ages 5 and up. It is crucial that you and your family adhere to these guidelines and restrictions in order to keep campers and staff safe. Please read and refer to our SDC YLC 2022 Health and Safety Protocol.

Registration & Orientation

Registration began on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at 9:00 AM PST.

As a final step to your child’s registration, please be sure to save the date and attend the SDC Family Welcome Event (in-person) on Saturday, 6/11/2022. More details to come.

SDC Registration has reached our maximum capacity. If you are interested in being on the Waitlist, please email for a personal sign-up link.